There were some old shoes in a ditch, Held together by one last stitch. It ran all the miles, From its active lifestyle, Now here it lies, with another switched.
Together a plan was made, With every scenario before them laid, What could possibly go wrong? Too short before long, All the dominoes began to cascade.
Given a chance to say yes, They’d quickly say bye to the mess, But it wasn’t to be, They’d have to wait and see, Whether or not to the crime, they’d confess.
There should be no cause for concern, Unless you pee and it should burn, In that case, make haste, For you’ll soon go to waste, And for better choices in your life for, you’ll yearn.
To enjoy a hot cup of tea, Was the goal of the little worker bee, But the meetings kept coming, (Oh, lord, were they numbing), How long ‘til they could fly away and flee?
There once was a widowed spy, Who had only one hand and one eye, When asked what the cause, She took a deep breath to pause, “If I told you…you, too, would have to die.”
A letter arrived in the mail, Full of stories and tall tales, Of Lilliputian journeys, And round table knight tourneys, The truth not mattering for this regale.
A pinch of pepper can sting, And surprise the tongue with a zing. Too much will overtake, Too little cause heartbreak, But a well-balanced spiced dish can sing.